Montessori Kinderhaus Muttenz

We could already feel it during the familiarization process: every child’s individual needs are met.
The familiarization process happens at the child’s pace, because, at the end of the day, they need to feel comfortable at the Kinderhaus, and that doesn’t happen at the same pace or in the same way for every child.
The Kinderhaus has a very secure, friendly, creative and calm atmosphere. As far as possible, the children are allowed to do many things by themselves, and are always encouraged to try. Be it crafts, cooking, painting, or daily tasks like washing their hands, blowing their nose or tying their shoes. The child is helped to do it themselves.
For that reason, the Kinderhaus also has the appropriate furniture: small tables and chairs, a sink mounted low on the wall, pitchers that are light enough for the children to pour from, etc.
There are a lot of crafts, singing and time in the garden, however there’s also plenty of free time for playing. Whether together or by themselves, every child can choose something from the lovingly curated collection of toys that suits their mood.

Daniela Nanny von E

Liebevolles und atmosphärisches Umfeld

The Montessori Kita is a blessing for us. My young son has been in the Kita since he was 8 months old, and both of us are happy when he can go. It feels good for us parents to know, that he is in a loving environment.
There is a wide variety of wonderful Montessori materials available for the children to play with and learn from. There is no, “No, leave it, you can’t do that,” instead, “Come, I’ll help you do it yourself.”
Walking and playing in the garden behind the building, and at the many playgrounds in the area, belongs to the daily ritual. I really appreciate that, because I believe a day is only a good day when one can soak up sun and fresh air. There is also plenty of good food. I’m told that my son always eats a lot – surely that is because eating at a table with other children is really fun. Also because the children can help with the cooking, a natural relationship is built with the food. The very little children help by observing. I’m amazed how the children independently set the table and clean their plates with tiny forks.
One can feel that the interaction with the children and the support of their journey to independence is practiced by the Kinderhaus the way Maria Montessori intended. I am so pleased that I can give my son this start in his young life even when I am not present, and am so thankful I found this Kita in Muttenz.
In the meantime, my oldest daughter is 19. When she was young, she went to a Montessori Kindergarten for 3 years (from age 3 – 6). I am still convinced that this start in her life gave her a wonderful foundation. My daughter has very detailed, networked thinking in many areas and I know that the individual encouragement and integrated thinking, which she was allowed to experience as a small child, had an enormous impact.
For that reason, I decided to put my son in the hands of the Montessori method from the beginning. It was an easy decision for me once we met Simone Hehn, the leader of the Kita. She radiates an unbelievable love and warmth and I really feel supported when I have to go to work and leave my son there. Particularly Simone’s experience as a Montessori teacher and Social Pedagogue enable her to make the right decisions when building her team of care-takers, and I can rely on everything being done professionally. This mutual trust is critical for us parents because only when it exists can we leave our most precious treasures in someone else’s care. This testimonial shall also serve to express my sincere gratitude.

Markus und Maria Degen